Free Play, a Cost Benefit AnalysisIf you are an educator and the term “free play” does not ring a bell, you have probably been enjoying your summer vacation and have...
Final BellThe chaos that is the end of the school year has begun and teachers are focused on administering last minute assessments, penning the...
Toddler ControlToddler Control In a recent New York Times article, Alan Schwarz reviews an alarming trend: American children between the ages of 2 and...
Walk While You WorkWalk While you Work As we near the end of the school year, it is not uncommon to see students’ creative thinking take an early vacation....
American DreamRecent research presented by Kyung Hee Kim used the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) to explore one of the mainstays of the...
An Amazingly Insightful PostWalk the halls of any elementary school somewhere in the United States and you will hear adults’ exclamations over a child’s wonderful...
Defog-It's Free!Defog–It’s Free! Feeling easily distracted, mentally flighty, or forgetful? You’re not alone. Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in...
The Un-Medicated ChildA recent New York Times report cites the rise in A.D.H.D diagnoses among children in the United States. As a former teacher and current...